I was just reading Shweta's blog post on some key ideas from Bhagavad Gita. It is full of beautiful reminders. I especially liked the part on seva. Shweta says; "We are not here to live our selfish purpose as much as we think we are. We are here to live God’s
purpose through our instrument. Imagine a car that thinks its purpose is to drive to the nearest parking lot. But the driver intends for the car to drive it all the way to Italy or even make it fly to the moon. We are very much stuck in the role of the car."
I think this car analogy is quite insightful and this reminded me of a lecture I listened to some time ago from a Buddhist monk. He said, imagine yourself being in the backseat of a car trying to go to the airport. If you do not trust that the driver will take you safely to your destination and constantly intervene and try to make him change course or take shortcuts, you might never get to your destination or worse have an accident.
Likewise, if we don't let our life unfold according to the wish of Ishwara and see ourselves as the instrument, but keep on intervening, questioning, controlling, not accepting, we will definetly lose our way. Actually, we need to come into terms with the fact that we don't drive the car. Since we are the passenger sitting at the backseat and the car will go no matter what we do; we might as well stop interfering and start enjoying the scenery. Eventually, we might realize that there is neither a car nor a driver. All is just Ishwara working through us.💛🌼
Please go back and check Shweta's blog if you want to read further on this subject.
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