To Be Self
· Devoid of name and form; transcending space, time and sense-object, am I, meditate on this.
· That which is beyond any words, has no parts, itself has no other support, no other parts but touched with illumination, which is pure, am I, meditate on this.
· Ishwara which is free from birth, growth, development, waste, disease and death, which is indestructible; which is the cause of the projection, maintenance and dissolution of the universe, am I, meditate upon this.
· That which, though One only, is the cause of the many; which refutes all other causes, but is itself without cause; am I, meditate upon this.
· That reality which thought just ONE, appears various owing to delusion, taking on names and forms, attributes and changes, itself always unchanged, am I, meditate on this.
· Yet the desire for Self is obscured by insatiable desires for things and people, the constant attachment that muddies the water of the lotus, am I, meditate on this.
· Dwell as, rest in Self, to be Self, it is very clear, with potential it becomes distorted by the ego, ignorance is deeply rooted in a separate I, a radical teaching, taught today. Be the Self, all objects are illusion, am I, meditate on this.
Jai Maa Deborah, your contemplations reflect a subtle and rare discernment. Beautiful. Thank you.