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Jai Maa

We are excited to introduce you to a special collection of audio aids available in our portal, including guided meditations, mantras, and audio lectures by Acharya Shunya.


These resources are designed to enhance your shravaṇam—the practice of deep listening that is essential on our spiritual journey.​​

Guided Meditations

Experience the transformative power of Acharya Shunya's voice as she guides you through meditations crafted from her own heart. These meditations are born from deep inner wisdom, offering you a path to connect with your highest Self. Let her words inspire you to journey inward, embracing peace, clarity, and divine presence.

Let Go of Control in Face of Challenges: A Guided Mediation by Acharya Shunya

Go From Inner Chaos to Creativity: A Guided Meditation by Acharya Shunya

Cope with Loss, Grief and Death: A Guided Meditation by Acharya Shunya

Cope with Anxiety Generated from Sorrow: A Guided Meditation by Acharya Shunya.

Parampara: Lineage Sounds

Brahmanadan Mantra

Brahmanandam Mantra to GuruAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 01:31

Introduction to the Brahmanandam Mantra


The Brahmanandam mantra invokes the bliss of Brahman, the infinite reality that permeates all existence. This sacred chant honors the Guru both within and without, recognizing the Guru's role as the embodiment of this boundless bliss and wisdom. It is the mantra that Acharya Shunya sings with deep reverence for her Guru, connecting her to the eternal source of knowledge and joy. Chanting this mantra invites us to merge with that same divine bliss, guided by the Guru's grace.

Gratitude to Guru Hymn

Guru Stotram: Ode to GuruAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 08:10

Introduction to the Guru Stotram


The Guru Stotram is a revered collection of verses glorifying the Guru, the enlightened teacher who guides us from darkness to light. As one of the most chanted mantras in Vedic schools and ashrams, it holds a special place in the hearts of seekers. Beyond its devotional appeal, the Guru Stotram subtly imparts the teachings of Advaita (non-duality), hidden within its verses, revealing the profound oneness of the Guru, the disciple, and the ultimate reality. Acharya Shunya, too, honors her lineage with the Guru Stotram, deeply connecting with the essence of the Guru both within and without.


Parampara: Lineage Invocation Mantra

Parampara Vidya Arambham mantraAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 03:36

Parampara Mantra

The Lineage Invocation is a deeply revered tradition that honors the parampara, or lineage of enlightened teachers—rishis and gurus—who have passed down sacred knowledge through generations. This invocation typically includes a heartfelt remembrance of these spiritual guides, often mentioning immediate teachers by name and acknowledging the profound teachings they have imparted. Traditionally chanted during prayers or before beginning a study session, the Lineage Invocation serves as a spiritual connection to the wisdom and grace of those who have guided the path, ensuring that the teachings are received with reverence and deepened understanding.​

Atmabodha Dhyanam: Guided Lineage Meditation

01 - Atmabodha DhyanamAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 28:30

Introduction to Sakshi Chaitanyam


Atmabodha Dhyanam is a powerful meditation practice taught by Acharya Shunya, designed to awaken Sakshi, the inner witness consciousness. This meditation helps practitioners cultivate viveka, or discernment, between Atman (the true Self) and Anatman (the non-Self), fostering a deeper understanding of one's divine essence. Rooted in Acharya Shunya's original words and teachings, this practice connects us to the lineage's wisdom and guides us toward self-realization and spiritual clarity. Embrace this transformative journey to experience the subtle layers of awareness and discover the eternal presence within.

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Asato Maa Mantra: Vedic Sankalpa 

Asato Maa MantraAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 00:29

Introduction to Asato Maa Mantra


The Asato Maa Mantra, a powerful and ancient invocation from the Vedic scriptures, serves as a guiding light for seekers on their spiritual journey. This mantra, often chanted as a sankalpa, or spiritual intention, calls upon the divine to lead us from asat (untruth) to sat (truth), from tamas (darkness) to jyoti (light), and from mrityu (death) to amritam (immortality). Let this mantra be your guide to realizing the eternal presence within and illuminating your path with truth, light, and immortality.



Brahmaarpanam Mantra: Food Blessing Mantra

Food Blessing MantraAcharya Shunya
00:00 / 00:35

Introduction to Food Mantra


The Brahmarpanam Mantra is often chanted before cooking or eating to acknowledge the divine presence in all aspects of the meal, from the ingredients to the act of preparing and consuming food. This mantra helps practitioners cultivate a sense of gratitude and mindfulness, recognizing that the food, the cook, the eater, and even the act of eating are all manifestations of Brahman, the ultimate reality. By reciting the Brahmarpanam Mantra, one is reminded to approach the act of eating with reverence and consciousness, transforming a mundane activity into a sacred ritual. This practice elevates the act of nourishment into an offering to the divine, promoting a deeper connection to the spiritual essence that pervades all life.



Advaita: Nondual Reminders

Resting in Your Inner Witness; Guided Meditation By Acharya Shunya 

 Guided Relaxation Meditation by Acharya Shunya

Mukti Yatra: Guided Enlightening Meditation

I Am Free- Song:  Lyrics by Acharya Shunya

Resting Your Five Senses in Spirit Being by Acharya Shunya

Express Your Gratitude

Jai Maa Sadasya,

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