No matter which hemisphere of the world you live in, when it is January 14, you are in luck!
It's a great day (24 hours) to jump-start your health and make soul commitments towards better eating, sleeping, meditating, and yogic-exercise regimens. Soul commitments mean making resolutions to honor and love yourself, treat yourself with loving kindness, and to always give the struggling parts of you a hug.

As per the Ayurvedic oral tradition, Health Plans initiated on Jan. 14th tend to bring good luck and good health as a rule. In fact whatever activity you begin this day, especially if is positive in vibration, and is good for you and good for the world, then it will be especially successful and bring you great peace and inner joy in long term.
January 14th is an auspicious vibration day!
It marks the Vedic festival of Makar Sankranti, the exact day on which the Earth begins to travel in a northern direction around the Sun, called Uttarayan in our Ayurvedic texts. On this date, it is said that the earth, oscillating around the Sun, makes a U-turn and and starts moving towards the Sun for the next 6 months. This causes the coming warmer days to be filled with more light and more warmth - rather than the shadows and darkness of the cooler months.
Days notably begin to lengthen slowly and steadily, and the dark and cold loosens its hold too, by and by. This is a time to celebrate the influx of spiritual light, and therefore Sattva (positivity, purity, potential)!
Shall I share a secret with you?
This is not just an outer event in the outer universe.
In your inner universe too, your mind becomes activated towards its hidden potential to flip towards light on the 14th (at any time in the 24 hr period) and start moving towards your inherent (but forgotten) Soul Truth, Soul Light, Soul Health and Soul Power.
You want to be ready and conscious for this cosmic inner event, right?
Does this excite you?
What To Do On This Day
Simply expect to be more cheerful, upbeat, clear and alert and you will find that you are.
As a teacher of classical Ayurveda, who dares and cares enough to teach an Ayurveda that is still connected to its Vedic spiritual roots, this is why I so like sharing about this day and inviting my growing world family to connect with the outer and inner Sun on this day.
In all my courses too, including my latest Alchemy Through Ayurveda course, I teach mantras to chant on this day!
For everyone else, even if it is evening when you read this (but it is still the 14th), go ahead and remember the Sun shining in your heart and chant.
If you cannot chant, simply say to yourself -----
"O great Sun living in my heart as my undying eternally healthy and Peaceful Soul, help me manifest abiding Health."
Simply be with this great presence in your heart. Let light emerge in your heart and flow to every part of your body. If you can wake up on time, go outside and meditate on the rising sun. You can also take water in a clean vessel and pour it while facing the sun (you are pouring out your darkness and taking in the light) as you chant or call out to the Sun. If you know the Gayatri mantra - chant it this day.
It is also traditional to eat Khichadi as a purifying food. That is why in parts of north India, this festival is simply call "Khichadi." My teacher and grandfather, Baba, from India, would donate hundreds of pounds worth of khichadi this day to the hungry.
Traditionally, inside Vedic lineages, this is a great day to begin the study of Ayurveda too. That is why if you have been thinking about signing up to study Ayurveda with me, today may be a great day to sign up!
My students and I have celebrated Makar Sankranti ourselves, retouched our souls, and realigned our commitment to service through disseminating the most authentic knowledge: awakening humanity to its true potential.
I am so excited. Happy Inner and Outer Sun Shining Day (that is what I call this day)!
Acharya Shunya

Acharya Shunya is a globally-recognized spiritual teacher and Vedic lineage-holder who awakens health and consciousness through the Vedic sciences of Ayurveda, Vedanta and Yoga. She is the driving force behind an online wisdom school and worldwide spiritual community, and the author of best-selling book on the Vedic art of mind + body + soul well-being and health, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom and Sovereign Self. Acharya Shunya is a keynote speaker at national and international conferences, and serves as an advisor to the Indian Government in matters pertaining to global integration and cultivation of Ayurveda and Yoga. Receive her free online teachings and browse her current eCourse offerings here or see more about her on Facebook and follow her on Instagram. Study Ayurveda with Acharya Shunya in her online course, Alchemy through Ayurveda.