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Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20194 min read
Adopting Ancient Ayurveda Wisdom Into Your Kitchen
(As originally posted on If you have resolved to introduce well-being into your being through food, then perhaps it is time...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20198 min read
Ayurveda Dharma Sutras
(As originally published on Life’s Choices Leading to Disease or Health The science of Life, Ayurveda, incorporates detailed...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20195 min read
6 Ayurvedic Teachings for Deep & Rejuvenating Sleep
Ayurveda teaches amazing and effective steps to say goodbye to insomnia and welcome deep, rejuvenating, blissful sleep. Here are some of...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20193 min read
Ayurvedic Morning Rituals to Start Your Day
Ayurveda awakens us to our own natural wholeness and teaches us ways to reclaim health from inside us. Ayurvedic principles remind us...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20195 min read
The Timeless Vedic Tradition of Master and Disciple
Lord Krishna expounds that a Vedanta Guru, who imparts to us the transcendental knowledge of Brahman (Supreme Reality), is no ordinary...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20193 min read
5 Ayurvedic Recommendations for the Best Sleep You've Ever Had
According to Ayurveda, there are three Upastambhas or pillars of health. They are: Aahar or food Nidra or sleep Brahmacharya or sex You...

Acharya Shunya
Oct 24, 20193 min read
One Simple Fix That Will Change Your Life
Transformation comes from the inside out. One simple step that has big consequences is being conscious of the food you eat. A simple way...

Acharya Shunya
Sep 19, 20194 min read
What is Advaita Vedanta?
Advaita Vedanta focuses on the subtle, psycho-spiritual, moral–ethical (dharma), and even mystical-existential dimension of our life, which

Acharya Shunya
Sep 18, 20192 min read
How to Perform Sun Prayers
Do this beautiful spiritual ritual outside on mornings as the sun rises. If you live near a body of water, perform the ritual beside the...

Acharya Shunya
Aug 20, 20193 min read
A Morning Mantra to Guide you from Darkness to Light
In my household in India, when I was just a child, we would wake at dawn to this and other such mantras from the Upanishads. My...

Acharya Shunya
Aug 20, 20192 min read
Bhramari Pranayama & Jnana Mudra Tutorial
Instantaneously replace the rajas and tamas in your mind with sattva.

Acharya Shunya
May 5, 20197 min read
Summer Self Care with Ayurveda: Wisdom Teachings from my Vedic Lineage
In Sunny California, we have become a little spoiled with expansive blue skies and a warm golden sun that sparkles and shines

Acharya Shunya
Mar 28, 20193 min read
Our Bondages Live Only in Our Mind
My guru, Baba, once told me a story. In an ashram, a cow was always tied up at night so she would not wander away. One day, the rope used to

Acharya Shunya
Mar 8, 20199 min read
Intimacy in Relationships from a Nondual Vedic Perspective
We humans often feel strangely alone even in intimate relationships, if not all the time, often enough.

Acharya Shunya
Nov 26, 201814 min read
Are You Constructing Health or Destroying Disease?
Destruction verses construction. These two words sum up the ideological difference between the modern scientific approach and the Ayurvedic

Acharya Shunya
Sep 12, 20189 min read
If You Can't Walk, Then You Must Fly
Did you know that I was often physically immobile due to pain and full body inflammation through much of my adolescence?

Acharya Shunya
Sep 7, 201810 min read
How One CA Girl Permanently Recovered from Immunological Disease and Depression with Ayurveda
Let me share with you a true story of healing, health and hope with India's ancient system of health and healing, known as Ayurveda

Acharya Shunya
Aug 30, 201817 min read
It's Never Late to Be Who You Might Have Been
Whenever we are psychologically attached, we lose our emotional sovereignty. We become who we are not. We become dependent upon the very...

Acharya Shunya
Aug 16, 201811 min read
Vedic Relationships and Detached Parenting
Our son is visiting for two weeks. He is on a vacation from work. Suddenly our quiet home is full of sounds again.

Acharya Shunya
Aug 6, 20185 min read
Samsara: Don’t Get Locked Up Inside Self-Created Sorrow Prisons
Ten thousand years before Freud first forwarded the concept of psychoanalysis, the ancient Vedas from India were telling us to use the wisdo
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